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January 9, 2024

@January 9, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting
Tuesday, January 9, 2023
Call to order 6 32 PM See
link for agenda.
Scott Dewitt
Ann Cooke
Suzanne Star
Donna Smith
Barbara Van Ruyckevelt
Farita Tasnim at 7pm
Daniel Wirth at 7pm
Harold Corn
Paul Lisko
Mary Moore
Tim Umscheid
Elizabeth Swicegood
Jonathan Morris
January 9, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting Minutes
1Katya Morris
President Update, Scott Dewitt:
Agenda Approval
Scott DeWitt motioned, Ann Cooke seconded. Agenda approved. Suzanne asked
to get the agenda out a week in advance to allow time to get it to the membership.
All agreed to get items to Scott to put the agenda together and Suzanne will email it
out to the membership email list.
Facebook Polls
Suzanne Star and Barbara Van Ruyckevelt expressed concern about the informal
Facebook poll posted by Scott DeWitt on the Sierra Los Pinos Chat page. Were
concerned about representing the Board and the utility of such a poll. Donna stated it
wasnʼt her preferred method of communication, but she thought that Scott did not
misrepresent the Boardʼs vote regarding investigating options for funding water
infrastructure projects.
Scott understood the concerns and will take them into account. No motions
or actions were taken on the topic.
Vice President Update, Ann Cooke:
There has been no response from Jemez Electric regarding the SLPPOA dispute of the
additional bill for response to a damaged electric line in March 2022. SLPPOA received
a bill with the disputed amount in January. Scott and/or Ann will likely have to schedule
an in person meeting with the Co-op to address this, probably in February.
Water Operator WO update
Donna Smith and Ann Cooke reviewed the diligence in seeking a new Water
Operator (see attached report).
The Board discussed the option of contracting with the Jemez Pueblo Public Works
January 9, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting Minutes
2See link for job description
See link of notes from Donna Smith on the WO search
On application from Mark Cordova (only response to the SLPPOA posting for a
Water Operator)
Harold finds him qualified. Suggests interviewing him.
The one downside is location (distance from SLP . Donna raises concerns
about his availability / responsiveness.
Ann will have a phone call with Mr. Cordova to check on compensation,
availability for on-site time, responsiveness to emergency situations, and
ability to supervise work if personally not available; and then will provide a
recommendation to the Board.
Thereʼs also a WO option through Jemez Pueblo
Donna will wait to write up a contract for these folks until the board has made
a definitive decision to hire them.
Donna makes a motion to enter negotiations with JP Public Works Department for
WO, pending assessment of Mark Cordova. All in favor. Motion passes.
811 issue was handled by Jonathan
Secretary, Farita Tasnim:
Suzanne will send the login details for GoDaddy, for Farita to check how to remove Kirk
Thompson from the mailing list
Will send the minutes to Mike Schacht to post on the website (since June).
Treasurer, Suzanne Star:
Suzanne has prepared a default letter for board review and approval. See link.
Donna makes a motion to approve this letter, and allow Suzanne to send them
out to delinquent accounts. All approve. Motion passes.
Suzanne needs 6 months of well meter readings July December) for the
Conservation Fee
January 9, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting Minutes
Water Billing
Suzanne turns over to audience.
Tim: would like the infrastructure laid out on a map to help membership
understand the needs of the system
Jonathan: claims that membership wants to understand the actual scope of the
problem in the water system, involving the people in the thought process rather
than dropping a proposal for vote, easing the cost burden on the membership.
Likes that water billing is equitable. Dislikes the upfront software cost.
Paul: need to work on communicating plans to the membership
Water Infrastructure Funding Options (see link), presented by Donna Smith after
consultation with Harold Corn and Daniel Wirth
Ann suggests another option: $400 special assessment each year (provided the
projects are laid out for each assessment), and increase the HOA dues 10% each
Suzanne: Can the board dictate a 3-year annual assessment that will preclude a
future board from changing that assessment?
Yes, if the membership votes in favor (due increases specifically to be budgeted
towards the work plan, also to be outlined in the Work Plan). The board has to
abide by membership votes.
Suzanne: Questions the legality of whether a reduced quorum on a second vote gives
the Board the right to reduce the 2/3 affirmative vote requirement to a 1/3
affirmative vote. A reduction provision on the vote is not explicitly stated in the
Donna and Ann stated that it is legal under the ByLaws to reduce the quorum to 1/3
and the vote then requires 2/3 to passs.
Farita: Can we actually create the infrastructure map to educate the membership?
Jonathan + Katya Morris: You need more members to feel they are educated and have a
Suzanne: Need more members to vote.
January 9, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting Minutes
4Donna motions to schedule a meeting of the membership for Feb 24th morning to help
educate the membership, discuss, lay out options, etc. Scott seconds. All in favor. Motion
Need to start advertising the meeting through newsletter, email, Facebook
Daniel will calculate leak rate for each system based off the most recent usage for
Donna will send out guidance on setbacks to membership next month
Legal - nothing
Paul Lisko San Juan East Pile burn occurring off lower Forest Road 10
Parks - nothing
New policies, Barbara V.R. - wants to include some provisions regarding emergency
situations in the financial policy. Barbara will draft a policy and send it out for board
Ann motions to adjourns. Scott seconds. Motion passes. Folks are staying to discuss member
voting participation.
January 9, 2024 SLPPOA Meeting Minutes