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April 11, 2016

April 12, 2016

Board Members Present: Stan Bennett, Peter Veverka, Judy Kilburg, Jack Nyhan, and Katie Ballmann. Board Members Absent: Eleni Fredlund, Joe Brophy, Max Otero, and Scott Bushnell.

Guests Present: Suzanne Star; Mary Moore; and Harold Corn.

Meeting was called to order by President Stan Bennett at 7:16 p.m. Mr. Bennett stated that the Board members present met the quorum requirement.

Mr. Nyhan made the motion to approve the April 12, 2016 agenda. Ms. Ballmann seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Ballmann made the motion to approve the SLPPOA Board Meeting Minutes dated March 8, 2016. Mr. Veverka seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Kilburg handed out the Budget and Expenditures report, which included the P&Ls and
Balance Sheets.
Ms. Kilburg reported the following account balances as of April 11, 2016.
Balance in Bank Accounts:
Operating Account: $148,085.67
Reserve Account: $65,939.77
Special Assessment Account: $29,507.36
Past due accounts now includes those past due on their 2016 annual assessments. Most everyone has paid and a few are making payments, with the exception of three members. Further contact actions are being made with those three individuals. Five of these members only owe the late interest, seven are making payments, and legal action to foreclose on our lien is in motion for one member who refuses to pay balance from last year. The three members listed as uncollectable remain the same. There has been some legal movement on two of them.

Total past due that is collectable is $7,254.09

Another request for disclosure documents for a home on Aspen Grove was received.

Legal costs incurred for the law suit as of the last invoice is at $22,390.49. It’s probably safe to say the costs will exceed $30,000.

Sunland is working on the end of year review and it will be posted on the website.

Water Maintenance
Mr. Veverka reported that on March 28th he received a call from Mr. Brophy that water was overflowing from the booster pump, which was caused by an outage in the transformer. The Jemez Co-op ran a tag line from a nearby residence to get it up and running correctly.

Water Committee
Mr. Veverka reported that we now have a committee of four members. Shawn Weary is an exwater operator and has lots of experience. Tamara Weary has compliance experience. Mark Stanley, Harold Corn, and Tom Lyttle will also serve on the committee. Byron Denny, John Fredlund, and Paul Lisko will also help when needed. We will start with performing meter loop tests and studies on total replacement as well as pipe bursting.

The fire hydrant leak is a slow leak. Mr. Veverka will exercise the valve. One leak may be in an unoccupied home and is leaking about 1,000 gallons per month and will be shut off. A note will be left on the door if we can’t make contact with the owner. One member is fixing their leak.

Leak Study
Mr. Harold Corn reported that he ran a profile for Mr. Brophy. There was concern on that property and may need to watch it. Water loss is up on System 2, which was most likely due to the issue at the lift station. The overflow ran for probably 10 hours or more.

Mr. Corn reported that he attended an 811 class last month. We’ve had about seven different notices and have answered every one. We are supposed to call 811, give them the ticket number and tell them it’s clear to proceed.

The KorWeb came today with free software to track and make sure we get the notices. Mr. Corn will follow up and see if it’s worth it. The homeowner is responsible from the meter to their home.

Water Compliance
Mr. Nyhan reported that the new Sampling Plan and its associated Excel spreadsheet showing the sample locations was delivered to the Drinking Water Bureau (DWB) on time. Since the templates and directions couldn’t be down-loaded from the DWB site, our water operator was able to get the information for him. Samples are now recorded.

The March sampling was completed with no problems identified. Chlorine residuals ranged from 0.08 to 0.10, well below the maximum of 0.40.

Mr. Naranjo replaced a chlorinator.
After seven months, the Water Resource Master for the Office of the State Engineer District read his email requesting who to send our well reading to. This is a state requirement.

Mr. Bennett stated that there are handouts for anyone who wants one.

Mr. Bennett reported that Mr. Fredlund spoke with a member to put a stop to illegal dumping of slash. The member will not be doing any further dumping and will either remove the slash when the pit opens at Thompson Ridge or he will pay to have it chipped. If we do open the area for chipping, it will be for slash from SLP property only. The Forest Service doesn’t have the resources for chipping, so it will be up to Howard Fegan and the availability of the chipper. Ms. Fredlund has sent out a posting for the web regarding no dumping slash or anything else. New signs are being ordered. A notice will be sent out when the Thompson Ridge slash pit is open.

IT – Web Page Status
Mr. Bennett reported that Mr. Schacht is still posting on the website for us.

Mr. Bennett reported that nothing has been started on the roads as yet. Mr. Bushnell is leaving for Maui. Mr. Veverka volunteered to take over working with Marcon Construction.

Mr. Bennett reported that the ongoing lawsuit court date is set for June 6th.

Further legal action is being taken on an uncollectable account.

There is no confirmation from Allen McQuestin regarding our insurance policy. The policy is still good until the middle of next month. The company is dropping us because of higher than usual claim on water damage on a property. Mr. Brophy will be checking with Lloyds. We are still pursuing Philadelphia.

Community Relations
Mr. Nyhan reported that he and Mr. Veverka were pleased with the turn-out at the water meeting. It was good to see new faces.

Mr. Bennett reported that Mr. Otero received and approved plans on Unit 8 Lot 13 and Unit 2 Lot 25.

Mr. Bennett reported that the front park looks really good, thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Otero.

- Road marker stakes for water and telephone (Bushnell) - Mr. Bushnell should get 6’ stakes. Mr. Veverka will get a count.
- ALD Final Report/Sonic follow-up (Veverka) - Mr. Nyhan stated they just sent an invoice and not a report giving results. They are supposed to be sending a copy of the results.
- Well dropping head tests (Nyhan) – Testing was performed in 1978. Mr. Nyhan explained the process and has the actual data from 1978. The information can be
combined with water use information and then can tell how many houses can be supported. Mr. Veverka stated that this is something the water committee can address
and look at new technologies. Mr. Corn added that we own an electronic means to measure.
- Reserve Study (Brophy) – Mr. Bennett reported that Mr. Brophy is working on a new quote. The study will tell us what we need in the reserve account, based on age, etc., so we don’t end up with a huge debt if something has to be replaced. Mr. Veverka stated that hopefully we will get good information from the meter loop tests and then we’ll know what needs to be replaced.
-Mr. Nyhan added that he is looking at what type of association we should be in order to get grants. All components of the water systems should be looked at and expected life determined.
- Thinning Applications (Fredlund) – Mr. Bennett reported that there is no new information on when applications will again be accepted.
- Water Committee Meeting (Veverka) - Mr. Bennett thanked Mr. Veverka for getting the committee going.
- Well Capping (Veverka) – Mr. Corn reported that several years ago one Forest Road 10 Well was drilled next to the original well, but it broke and later both of these were
abandoned (they are both near the electrical supply boxes) when the most recent Forest Road 10 well was installed (currently fenced in).

Old Business
- Grant proposals –Mr. Nyhan is working on this
- Roads – Mr. Bennett will follow up with
- Reserve Study – No action to report
- Unit Covenants for Property Owners – No action to report
- Account Movement of Money – Mr. Bennett proposed that $25,000 from the Special Assessment Account be moved back to the Operating Account to cover some of the cost borrowed from the meter installation. The Special Assessment Account will remain with a small balance for any new installations and when past due account payments are received, they will be posted to the same (Special Assessment) account.
MOTION: Mr. Veverka made the motion to move $25,000 from the Special Assessment Account to the Operating Account. Ms. Ballmann seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Mr. Bennett stated that if we take what in the Operating Account, setting aside money for roads, we should be able to move $35,000 to the Reserve Account. Discussion ensued. It was also mentioned that when the CPS from Mc Kinney and Associates performed theaudit for 2010, that they recommended we have $250,000 in the reserve account.
MOTION: Mr. Veverka made the motion to move $35,000 from the Operating Account to the Reserve Account. Ms. Ballmann seconded the motion. The motion passed.

- Payment Plan Request – A member requested approval for a payment plan with payoff by September 20, 2016.
MOTION: Mr. Nyhan made the motion to approve the payment plan. Ms. Ballmannseco nded the motion. The motion passed.

New Business
- Request for questions regarding 2013 McKinney & Assoc. Audit
o Will have to be delayed until court action by Star et. al. suit is completed in the event of conflict.
- Website – Mr. Schacht is still willing to manage the website.
Scott Bushnell’s Departure – Mr. Bennett stated that due to Mr. Bushnell’s departure, he has spoken with Mr. Vergamini, who was voted in as an alternate, and he is willing to start serving on the Board in May. Also, the person who will be renting Mr. Bushnell’s house sell road stability products and may be a good resource.
- Sampling Plan – Mr. Nyhan stated that the new Sampling Plan has to be added to the Maintenance and Operations Plan. A revision sheet and new signatures will be needed.

Mr. Veverka made the motion to move into executive session. Mr. Nyhan seconded the motion.
The motion passed.
The public Board meeting adjourned at 8.34 p.m.