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March 2005

Next meeting is April 12th at 7:15. All residents are welcome.

Called to order at 7:22

Brian Reardon, Ann Cooke, Kay Karns, John Fredlund, Jeff Erickson

February minutes read and approved


This month's activity distributed. Question on when to send non-payment notices for yearly fees. Can send out now, but would cost a mailing. Should bill on April 4th (Monday) with late fees added in.

$53,113 balance. About $24K fees due.

One of the wells is drawing a lot of power ($553 worth, up from last month). This is often precursor to pump failure.

Hopes to do taxes this weekend.


Not present.


Lots of water present. They are getting really bad. Trilobite has a drainage problem that needs to be fixed to stop those ruts from forming. Ruts have caused dangerous car behavior and resultant complaints from residents. Trilobite will be a priority when we begin the repair of roads throughout the association this spring. Hovenweep culvert collapsing. Pothole on 134 spur.


Not here.


David wrote letter to owner of The Cantrell Wall. Proceedings will start again if no action.


Not present. Jeff will call insurance agent about cost for liability insurance if we allow members to build/use horse ring in the association. There is only room for about 50-60 foot diameter ring. Need to also address horse manure.

New business

Two new members' addresses to John for sending new member packets.

Special assessment question raised again, this time for new water tank for system 2. We need to identify what our special needs priorities are.

We need to let people know about the good work the Board does before the general meeting so people have better grasp of improvements (like the improvements to Cerro Pelado).

John to take pictures before and after roads to show differences.

Meeting ended at 8:23