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Fire weather watch

Northwest Plateau-North Central Mountains-
Middle Rio Grande Valley-Sandia, Manzano and Gallinas Mountains-
West Central Highlands-
221 AM MDT Wed May 9 2018


The National Weather Service in Albuquerque has issued a Fire
Weather Watch...which is in effect from Friday morning through
Friday evening.


Santa Fe National Forest Issues Stage 2 Fire Restrictions Effective May 7

SANTA FE, NM – May 3, 2018 – For Immediate Release. The Santa Fe National Forest
(SFNF) will implement forest-wide Stage 2 fire restrictions effective Monday, May 7 at 8:00
a.m. The Stage 2 fire restrictions will remain in effect across the forest until conditions allow
forest officials to change or lift the restrictions.

Water Status for System 1

System 1 users please conserve water every chance you get.

We are still running on only one well. A new electrical service is required for Hovenweep and is in progress, but may take upwards of a week or or more for the complete rebuild and permitting process.

We are working on the possibility of connecting a generator for the interim.


I’ll be picking up the chipper tomorrow (4/28) morning. Depending on the weather, we maybe can start chipping in the afternoon.

We will take the chipper to where it’s needed.

A couple things for people to keep in mind that’ll make the job a little easier:

Pile the slash in a large enough area to be able to get the chipper and tow vehicle in and out.

Pile the slash with the large ends pointing to where the chipper will be.

Tree slash ONLY.

It will be the property owners responsibility to deal with the chip pile.

Water System 2 Notice

After our supplier sent the wrong parts, they quickly delivered the correct ones to La Cueva. Our contractor picked them up, then put in a long day to get to a us to a point where we can refill the system.

We plan to start the System 2 pumps within the hour. IF all new joints hold, water should return sometime this evening. If your water pressure was completely gone/no flow, crack you faucets slowly, anticipating air to be in the lines. Once the pumps are filling the lines, purging air at an outside hydrant would be helpful.

Thanks for your patience.

Peter Ververka

Fire Preparedness

Important documents on fire safety attached, from the Fire Preparedness Day-Conference. Documents produced by Maureen Lincoln, LCVFD.

Wood Chipper

Chief Lee Taylor will be getting the county wood chipper towards the end of the month to help clean up slash from the wind event last week. Location, time, and date TBA.

Water System 2 (TWO this time) Outage Warning

Expect intermittent water outages immediately & for the next few days at the higher elevations due to excavations and leaking valve replacements at the storage tank site.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Peter Veverka
Harold Corn

SLP Water System 1 is Struggling

Ever since our unfortunate "wind event" and the power was restored, our System 1 water tanks have not been able to build up to normal capacity. In fact, the tanks are currently empty. The larger well is and has been pumping at full capacity 24 hrs a day.

Our smaller Sys 1 well is offline, as the electrical drop was damaged when the overhead power line came down. An electrician will be here tomorrow.

Please conserve water for now.

Crane/Tree Trimming

If anyone needs a crane, B&G tree trimmings will be in SLP for a few days. Call 505-410-3753
