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On KSFR Friday - fire adapted communities discussion and more!

Subject: FW: On KSFR tomorrow- fire adapted communities discussion and more!
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:45:23 +0000
From: Ashmead, Phyllis -FS
To: Ashmead, Phyllis -FS

Forest Service firefighter injured from exploding device

The Santa Fe New Mexican

SANTA FE, N.M. — A U.S. Forest Service firefighter, on assignment in the Jemez Mountains, was moving a glass jar away from a fence post with his foot Monday afternoon when the jar exploded.

Update on injury

Following is information regarding explosive devise on FR 126. Please stay vigilant while hiking in the forest. If something appears “out of place” or "not normal" (i.e. a suspicious looking object), do not disturb it, move away from the area and immediately contact law enforcement.

From: Nemeth, Donna -FS
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 6:09 PM
Subject: Update on injury

The following information related to today’s injury on the Jemez Ranger District (Santa Fe National Forest) has been confirmed:


NEW FIRE ON THE SANTA FE NATIONAL FOREST Santa Fe, NM – July 7, 2014 –A wildfire was reported by air attack while conducting a recon flight at around 12:30 pm today. The location of the Bear Springs Fire is 4 miles southeast of Paliza Campground on the Jemez Ranger District. It is immediately south of Bear Springs Mountain and quite visible from I-25. The fire is estimated at a little over 10 acres. Two engines and Zuni Hotshots are on sight; another Type I (Hot Shot crew) is enroute. The fire is burning in heavy fuels, ponderosa pine and juniper.

New Fire on The Santa Fe National Forest (Bear Springs Fire Wildfire)

NEW FIRE ON THE SANTA FE NATIONAL FOREST Santa Fe, NM – July 7, 2014 –A wildfire was reported by air attack while conducting a recon flight at around 12:30 pm today. The location of the Bear Springs Fire is 4 miles southeast of Paliza Campground on the Jemez Ranger District. It is immediately south of Bear Springs Mountain and quite visible from I-25. The fire is estimated at a little over 10 acres. Two engines and Zuni Hotshots are on sight; another Type I (Hot Shot crew) is enroute. The fire is burning in heavy fuels, ponderosa pine and juniper.

Road Closures 7/7/2014 (Diego Fire Wildfire)

Fire Area Closure is still in effect. Roadblocks within the Fire Area include:At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 93At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 315At the junction of Forest Road 316 and Forest Road

Road Closures 7/7/2014 (Diego Fire Wildfire)

Fire Area Closure is still in effect. Roadblocks within the Fire Area include:At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 93At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 315At the junction of Forest Road 316 and Forest Road

ROAD CLOSURE UPDATE July, 7 2014 (Diego Fire Wildfire)

Fire Area Closure is still in effect. Roadblocks within the Fire Area include:At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 93At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 315At the junction of Forest Road 316 and Forest Road

ROAD CLOSURE UPDATE July, 7 2014 (Diego Fire Wildfire)

Fire Area Closure is still in effect. Roadblocks within the Fire Area include:At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 93At the junction of Forest Road 316 and Forest Road

Road Closure Update July, 7 2014 (Diego Fire Wildfire)

Fire Area Closure is still in effect. Roadblocks within the Fire Area include:At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 93At the junction of Forest Road 103 and Forest Road 315At the junction of Forest Road 316 and Forest Road
