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Parker needs a home (even a foster!)

Folks, please ask your friends and family that might have a spare room in their house & heart to FOSTER Parker ... he was trapped in Sierra Los Pinos recently, and because we didn't have a foster home for him, he is at Zoey's TLC. He is scared (see how he hides in the middle bin, afraid to be in the open pens) and has to listen to many dogs barking 24 hours/day. He can't get calm due to all the noise there!

I am able to pet him and he purrs, but I know he will need time to relearn what it is to be a family cat. He was either dumped or left behind when someone moved.

Water Outages This Week for Main Valve Replacement

Plan on water outages starting Monday:

  • System 1 (Hovenweep & Bonito) on Monday hoping to drain the north part of Hovenweep (Unit 3, Mesa Verde, Bonito...) after 7:00am.
  • System 2 Monday PM or Tuesday AM, locations...Los Griegos & Aspen, & Los Griegos & FR-10 (most areas will be low or out of water for several hours)

Water Outages for Monday-Tuesday, August 25-26

Due to leak repairs on the central water supply system, there will be a few water outages in both System 1 and 2 August 25-26.

Our army of volunteers is doing everything they can do to minimize this inconvenience to all of our neighbors and to keep costs down.


Weekly Weather Briefing

Pino Fire has Grown to 62 Acres in Size

August 20, 2014, - Santa Fe, NM – The lightning caused Pino Fire on Santa Fe National Forest’s Jemez Ranger District is continuing to grow and as of this morning is at 62.

Most of the fire behavior and growth yesterday, on the southwest side, was attributed to the firing operation aimed at anchoring the fire. Fire is carrying well through the pine litter with very little torching of trees and good consumption of dead woody material.

The Pino Fire Has Grown to 26 Acres in Size

August 18, 2014, 6:00 p.m. - Santa Fe, NM – The lightning caused Pino Fire, on Santa Fe National Forest’s Jemez Ranger District, was first sighted on August 13 when it was approximately ½ acre in size. Because the fire was smoldering, no imminent growth was anticipated, a flash flood warning had been issued for the area, and access to the site was limited, no immediate action was taken.

Controlled Burn Postponed

Hello folks,
For your information, the FS is postponing the Sierra Los Pinos controlled pile burn until a later date TBA. Following is information regarding the current Pino fire the FS is working on.

Lee Taylor, Chief
La Cueva District
Sandoval County FD

Los Griegos Prescribed Fire Planned


SANTA FE, NM — August 6, 2014 — Fire managers at Santa Fe National Forest are planning to conduct a pile prescribed fire on the Jemez Ranger District. The Los Griegos pile prescribed burn may be conducted August 18 through September 28 only on favorable days as conditions allow. A total of 500 acres of piles may be treated in an area adjacent to the Sierra Los Pinos community, 17 miles southwest of Los Alamos. Small blocks of land may be treated each day to decrease the daily smoke volume.

Pino Fire Underway in Jemez Ranger District

SFNF News:

The Pino Fire was reported Wednesday on Santa Fe National Forest’s Jemez Ranger District.

It is approximately one-half acre in size on a spur ridge. The fire is smoldering and no significant growth is anticipated in the next 24 hours.

No action was taken on the Pino Fire Wednesday because a flash flood warning had been issued for that area and access to the site is limited. As soon as fire managers are able to reach the fire area, they will determine an appropriate course of action.

The Pino Fire may be managed for resource benefit.

Weekly Weather Briefing
