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Community Meeting to Discuss the Paliza Prescribed Burn

Tuesday September-23 7:00pm to 8:00pm

A community meeting will be held Tuesday, September 23, at 7 p.m. at the Ponderosa Community Center to discuss the Paliza prescribed fire and answer questions about planned operations. The public is invited to attend.

Paliza Rx may begin this week


September 22, 2014, Santa Fe, NM – Conditions may be favorable later this week for fire managers to begin the Paliza prescribed fire near the community of Ponderosa on Santa Fe National Forest’s Jemez Ranger District. This activity could begin anytime between Thursday and Sunday. Two days of ignition are expected and a total of 6500 acres will be treated.

Special Weather Briefing

Upcoming Santa Fe National Forest Prescribed Fires

Prescribed fires will be conducted throughout Santa Fe National Forest between September 15 and October 31 as conditions are favorable. These fires are designed to reduce excess fuels, provide community protection, and improve forest health. The start dates and duration of these burns will be dependent on weather, wind, and fuel moisture conditions.

Board Elections and Ballot

Elections for members to the SLPPOA board will be held at the annual meeting this Saturday, Sep 13. The ballot attached below can be used. Mail the ballot, deliver to any board member or bring it to the annual meeting.

Pino Fire Appears to Have Met Resource Objectives

September 4, 2014, Santa Fe, NM

The lightning caused Pino Fire, on Santa Fe National Forest’s Jemez Ranger District, is located five miles south of State Highway 4 and six miles east of Jemez Springs. This fire has been highly visible for the past few days as it has been managed to improve forest health. Through a combination of hand and aerial ignitions, low-intensity fires have been used to reduce excess fuels. These actions should moderate the risk of future high-intensity fires.

Managed Fire Proceeds According to Plan

September 3, 2014, Santa Fe, NM

The lightning caused fire, on Santa Fe NationalForest’s Jemez Ranger District, is located five miles south of State Highway 4 and six miles east of Jemez Springs.

Fire managers were very pleased with the activity on the Pino Fire yesterday. Firefighters used hand and aerial ignitions to direct the wildfire to control features, removing hazardous fuels and minimizing the threat of future high intensity wildfires. The Pino wildfire is now estimated at 1,618 acres.

Weather Briefing

Rain coming our way to wash the smoke away!

see attached.

Lee Taylor, Chief
La Cueva District
Sandoval County FD

Aerial and Hand Ignitions to Begin Tuesday on Pino Fire

September 1, 2014, Santa Fe, NM

The lightning caused Pino Fire, on Santa Fe National Forest's Jemez Ranger District, is now estimated at 152 acres. The fire is located five miles south of State Highway 4 and six miles east of Jemez Springs.

Lost Dog

Young, male Blue Heeler dog out with cattle near Sierra Los Pinos.

If you see the dog, please contact Kathy Buhl, 888-828-5822 x1, kmbuhl @ aol . com
