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Be Mindful of Summer Monsoons, Lightning on the National Forest

SANTA FE, NM – Aug. 1, 2016 – For Immediate Release. The National Weather Service (NWS) forecast for this week in Northern New Mexico includes afternoon and evening thunderstorms with heavy rain. This past weekend saw nearly a thousand lightning strikes within Santa Fe National Forest boundaries. As welcome as the moisture is, the monsoon season carries risk.

More bear sightings

Hello folks,

Attached is a brochure from NM Game and Fish regarding bear activity. Information includes what to do if you happen across a bear, how to secure your property and contact numbers for more information.

Eleni Fredlund

Lawsuit Conclusion and Findings

After a long and arduous process, the lawsuit brought against SLPPOA by Suzanne Star, Sabine Shurter and Barbara Van Ruyckevelt, back in February 2015, has reached a conclusion.

Crucial Firefighting Equipment Stolen from Valles Caldera National Preserve

Special Agents with the Investigative Services Branch (ISB) and US Park Rangers of Valles Caldera National Preserve are seeking information about the recent theft of crucial wildland firefighting equipment.

Bear Broke in to One of Our Homes this Afternoon

SLP Homeowner,

This afternoon a young bear pushed in the screen door to our house while I was home. Fortunately I was home and our dogs were inside. The dogs raised the alarm and our big dog dashed to the door and out the door and chased the bear up a tree. When the bear came down from the tree, it wandered off to Los Griegos Rd.

We called Game and Fish and they explained that they would not trap and relocate a bear that breaks into a house. They only would shoot it if I requested it. I declined...for now.

Name withheld for privacy.

Virgin Fire on Santa Fe National Forest May be Candidate for Management

Virgin Fire on Santa Fe National Forest May be Candidate for Management

SANTA FE, NM – July 28, 2016 – For Immediate Release. Fire managers on the Santa Fe National Forest are monitoring the lightning-caused Virgin Fire on the Jemez Ranger District as Forest officials consider managing it to achieve multiple objectives on the landscape.

Albuquerque Meeting Geothermal Leasing

Santa Fe National Forest Schedules Albuquerque Public Meeting on Draft Environmental Analysis on Geothermal Energy Development

SANTA FE, NM – July 27, 2016 – For Immediate Release. After receiving requests from the public to add an Albuquerque meeting on the topic, the Santa Fe National Forest today announced the fourth and final public meeting to provide a brief overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the potential effects of geothermal energy development on land within Forest boundaries.

Albuquerque Public Meeting on Geothermal Energy Development

Santa Fe National Forest Schedules Albuquerque Public Meeting on
Draft Environmental Analysis on Geothermal Energy Development

SANTA FE, NM – July 27, 2016 – For Immediate Release. After receiving requests from the public to add an Albuquerque meeting on the topic, the Santa Fe National Forest today announced the fourth and final public meeting to provide a brief overview of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the potential effects of geothermal energy development on land within Forest boundaries.

Fire restrictions being lifted tomorrow.

Santa Fe National Forest To Lift Stage I Fire Restrictions

Santa Fe, NM – July 27, 2016 – For Immediate Release. The Santa Fe National Forest will lift campfire and smoking restrictions effective 8:00 a.m. Thursday, July 28, 2016, due to widespread rain across the forest and decreasing fire danger. The forest implemented Stage I fire restrictions on July 15 based on dry conditions and higher-than-normal temperatures.

Water Outage

Water will be out this evening (7/27) from the top of Hovenweep Loop to San Juan road. Both Aztec and Chaco will also be out. This was caused by the rain yesterday that washed out some of the installed pipe yesterday evening. We are going to fix this as soon as possible in the morning. I'm going to Albuquerque now to get parts. I am truly sorry.

Peter Veverka
