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Scoping Period on Geothermal Energy Development Extended

Scoping Period on Geothermal Energy Development Extended to June 26

The Santa Fe National Forest (SFNF) has extended the deadline for public comments on the scope of the environmental analysis on the potential impact of geothermal energy development on Forest Service land from June 12 to June 26, 2015.

The two-week extension is in response to requests received at public scoping meetings on June 1 and 2 to give the public more time to submit comments on the proposed project.

Comments on the Geothermal Project EIS

Sabine Shurter
Jemez Springs, NM 87025

Geothermal EIS Project, Santa Fe National Forest
11 Forest Lane
Santa Fe, NM 87508
June 6, 2015

Dear Sirs,
I would like to thank you for considering my comments on your Geothermal EIS Project Proposal to allow large scale geothermal leasing on the Santa Fe National Forest.

SLP Special Assessment Meter Can Water Outage Warning for System 2

Please expect a System 2 water outage tomorrow, 6/3, on the far northern and eastern areas of Los Griegos (higher addresses) & Shannon's Way during the daytime hours. Other areas should not be affected.

We will make every effort to resupply water by the end of the day.

Planned electric power interruptions are not expected due to this activity.

Questions: Call Peter Veverka 829-3754 or Harold Corn 829-3636.

Santa Fe National Forest Tries to Calm Our Fears over Geothermal Leasing and Development


Yesterday's meeting concerning the proposed geothermal power plant in the Jemez Mountains took place in the Cuba Ranger Station of the Santa Fe National Forest. The Jemez Valley was well represented in the audience, with a vocal contingent occupying the front row.

Addressing the issues arising from this project was Larry Gore, a geologist from the National Forest Service, and consultants Kevin Rice and David Batts.

Quick links to USDA Proposed Geothermal Leasing Documents

SFNF proposing to lease public lands surrounding SLP

The Santa Fe National Forest proposing to lease public lands surrounding SLP, La Cueva, Thompson Ridge to private interests for geothermal exploration. There will be only two public meetings in Santa Fe and Cuba but not in Jemez Springs, a location much easier to reach for many residents most impacted.

Rescheduled BoD Meeting

Repeats every month on June, July on the third Tuesday 2 times.
Tuesday June-16 7:15pm to 9:00pm
Tuesday July-21 7:15pm to 9:00pm

Please note that the June and July regular board meetings have been rescheduled to the third tuesdays of the month. Meetings return to the usual second tuesday in August.

Invitation to Discuss New Business Opportunities in the Jemez Valley

Tuesday June-09 9:00am

With Change Comes Opportunity

By Susan Donovan
The exciting events surrounding the transfer of the Valles Caldera to the National Parks Service creates the perfect opportunity for the residents and business owners of the Jemez Valley to put their heads together and work with these changes, collectively and in a positive way.

Business owners are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the possibility of creating a Jemez Valley Commerce Cooperative at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 9, in the Conference Room next to the Jemez Springs Public Library.

Forest Service Seeking Applicants for Northern New Mexico Resource Advisory Committee

The USDA Forest Service is soliciting members of the public to serve on the Northern New Mexico Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) under the recently reauthorized Secure Rural Schools (SRS) and Community Self Determination Act.

Water Outage at 6PM

Homes on the north end of Los Griegos will have their water turned on at 6 PM tonight.

Outages should be expected for the next two to three weeks and the end of the project. Water will be turned off at 7 AM and returned to service by 5 PM. If you have any questions please call me.

Peter Veverka
