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Bees on the Loose!

In addition to the Neighbor Appreciation Day plans at their house for today, the Ross’s have another adventure unfolding. One of their bee hives has swarmed, and the swarm has parked in a tree on their property, but about 45 feet up in the air. If we are unable to persuade those bees to come down and take up residence in their new hive, they may be heading out into the neighborhood or the wilds beyond SLP.

August 9 at the Ross's - Second Sunday Neighbor Appreciation Day

Sunday August-09 1:00pm

Come lend a hand to the Ross family. The Ross’s property borders the National Forest, and the boundaries have shifted so that they must now remove a significant portion of their front yard (trampoline, play set, firewood pile, and more) to satisfy Forest Service ideas about where the property lines exist.

Most of the job will take work gloves, and perhaps some wheelbarrows and similar conveyance to remove the mountain of firewood.

Ross’s house: The house high on the hill with all the goats, corner of FR10 and Hovenweep.

Thanks to all who are able to participate.

Fourth Sunday Block Party

Sunday July-26 2:00pm to 4:00pm

​​2-4 pm Sunday July 26, meeting at the playlot on FR10 and Hovenweep, is the Fourth Sunday Block Party.

Kids are looking forward to doing another fruit sale to benefit Tamaya Horse Rescue. In April they raised $6 for their cause, in June $96.36. They took their donation to the horses last week. (and since they were down there ended up cleaning stalls and visiting horses)

The goats and geese were hard at work with grounds maintenance during the picnic, while the rest of us had a fine time visiting.

Hope to see you there.

New Handyperson - Jemez Handy Man Service

I would like to recommend Eric Chavez of the Jemez Handy Man Service. Eric has been working in our area for about two years. He has helped me on many occasions. He is honest, versatile and fair with his charges.

Some of the work that he does includes:
Trash, debris hauling
Pick up/delivery of appliances, wood pellets, firewood etc..
Small appliance repair.

It seems that Eric can do just about anything, so be sure to ask him if the list above doesn't mention your needs.

Call him at 829-4294.

New Handy Person - Large Appliance Repair

Victor Loretto (505-220-3574) has been doing large appliance repairs for 40 years and can be trusted to do a fine job for a fair price. I have recommend him to several of my friends, and have always received a thank you from them.

New Handy Person - just came in!

I can refer a person - Her name is Toni Urbina. She lives in Los Alamos, but she house sits and dog sits for me whenever we are on vacation. Her number is 505-363-9630. Her email address is . She charges $35 a night.

She has been house sitting and pet sitting for us for about 6 years now. She also works part-time at the Animal Clinic, so she is very good with animals.

Local Help for SLP Home Owners

I've been asked by more than a few SLP home owners if I knew of any one in the area that could provide help with various chores in and around their house (examples: painting, yard work, carpentry, hauling, house sitting, baby sitting, dog sitting, cleaning, plumbing, electrical work, computer work, etc). So I would like to help you find handy people by emailing info on various people (girls. boys, men & women) that might just be who you were looking for.

Help from Community Members Needed to Protect Homes from Possible New Flooding

The flash flood waters silted up old arroyos and have found new channels to travel in the next time heavy rains occur.

Residents along N.M. Highway 485, in Gilman and the Rio Guadalupe Valley, remain in continuous and increased danger of renewed flooding. The Jemez Valley Fire Department has donated the first 1000 bags (more are needed) and are looking for a truck to haul in the sand to fill them.

Filling and setting up all the needed bags is beyond the means of the families affected, and help from community members equipped with shovels would be appreciated.

Rain barrels at the mailboxes on Saturday

Anyone wishing they could harvest all this wonderful rain water?

Victor, the barrel guy in Albuquerque is coming out on Hwy 4 to get to Espanola, probably on Saturday. He says he can bring out barrels to Sierra Los Pinos mailboxes on Hwy 4.

Water Problems

We are sorry to tell you that some homes in System 1 will be without water this afternoon due to water system issues. It is expected to be limited to Area 2 and some homes on Trilobite. Peter Veverka is actively looking for parts to repair the problem, and hopes to be done with the repair by this evening or almost for sure by sometime tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed!
