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Rescheduled BoD Meeting

Tuesday October-15 7:15pm

We have a time update/change for the October meeting.

It is now scheduled for 10/15/19 @ 7:15 P.M.

Water System 1 Pipeline Section Replacement CAUTION

We anticipate delivering water again to the current "out-of-water-residents" within a couple of hours.

Just a couple of cautions as you begin to draw water from your taps:

Air pockets and bubbles may be produced due to water lines being empty for a period of time,
Turn on your faucets slowly,
Slightly stronger smell or taste of chlorine is possible intermittently,
Flush your water lines for a short period of time.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks again for your patience.

Annual Member Meeting draft minutes

The 2019 Annual Member Meeting draft minutes have been posted for review.

Water System 1 Pipeline Section Replacement UPDATE

Day 1 (Tuesday) was not a great project day:

SLPPOA Water System 1 Pipeline Section Replacement Plan

Starting next week, Tuesday, October 8, at approximately 8 am, we plan to begin replacing 700 ft of main water line on Hovenweep from the Bonito Way/Mesa Verde intersection down past the Hovenweep Well site (border of units 1 & 3).

The duration of this project should take 3-5 days.

Some water supply interruption is to be expected, at least a day outage to drain the line and get started. Please plan accordingly.

SLPPOA Sys 2 Water Outage Update

Some residents again, on Cerro Pelado & lower Los Griegos, began to lose water pressure on Sunday and Monday this week even though storage tank water levels were holding. Be certain this outage was unplanned.

Today (Tuesday) a resident on lower Los Griegos notified me a pipe coupling had failed and was leaking.

I would anticipate a quick recovery since that leak was isolated at about 5:30 am today.

Let us know if your water pressure has not returned by evening.

Annual Meeting Reminder

Just a last minute reminder of our membership meeting today, Saturday September 14, at 2 pm at the local Firestation.

The pot luck lunch will happen prior to the meeting at 1 pm. Bring a dish to share and meet your neighbors.

If you cannot attend, please drop off your ballot to a board member in order to help make the required meeting quorum.

Hope to see you.

SLPPOA Board of Directors

Update on the SLPPOA Water System 2, Los Griegos, Cerro Pelado , Steel Tank, and Manhole Pump Line Leaks

It gives me great relief to announce as of Wednesday, Sept 4, it appears Water System 2 is fully functional again.

Chimney Cleaning

Bailey’s Chimney Cleaning is scheduled to service residents in Sierra los Pinos on Oct. 11th if anyone else is interested for service that day, please call them at 505-988-2771. We would all save on travel costs for the service.
