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Governing Documents

New Resident Welcome Letter
Member Guide

April 2020 Special Meeting and Proposed Amendments for Bylaws
Meeting Announcement
Proposed Amendments by 2018 Board
Proposed Amendments by 2019 Board
Excessive Water Usage Justification

Annual Assessment Policy
Architectural Control Policy & Home Improvement Approval Form
Financial Oversight Policy
Sandoval County Animal Control Ordinance
Shutoff Valve Tampering Policy
Financial Hardship Request
Policy for Payment Agreement
Payment Agreement
Protection of Member Information Policy
Policy regarding Vacation Rental Properties (permit)
Parking Policy
Unanimous Consent Resolution

The SLP subdivision is subject to ByLaws and limitations contained in the Restrictive Covenants on file for each unit. See Area Map for Unit boundaries.

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
Restrictive Covenants - Unit 1
Restrictive Covenants - Unit 2
1976 Original Version Declaration of Covenants - Unit 2
Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions - Unit 3
Declaration of Restrictions - Units 4-10
Units 4-10 Disclosure Statement
SLPPOA Articles of Incorporation
Housing and Urban Development Report
Homeowner Association Act - SB150, 2019

SLP Membership Forms
Application for Membership
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCR's) Acceptance Letter

Insurance Policies
2024 Philadelphia Insurance Common Policy
2024 Travelers Insurance Policy